National Cat Day is October 29th! Kitties are wonderful pets, that keep us smiling and provide us with love, comfort, and cuddles, not to mention ongoing live entertainment. Fluffy definitely deserves some extra TLC on her special day. A Raleigh, NC vet lists some ways to pamper your feline pal below.


Fluffy is always cute, but she’s never quite as adorable as she is when she’s pouncing on a new toy. Pick up something new for your frisky feline to lose under the couch!

Cat Furniture

Kitties are pretty nonchalant about using our furniture and belongings. However, Fluffy does need some things that were made just for her. A new cat tower is a great way to pamper your pet!

Play Session

Your pampered pet is actually an adorable little serial killer, with the instincts of a ferocious hunter. While Fluffy should have some things she can use safely by herself, she’ll also benefit from having some things you can use to play with her. Kitty playtime is more fun and more challenging if you control your tiny lion’s ‘prey.’

Window Seat

Fluffy is much safer as an indoor pet, but she’ll still enjoy watching birds and squirrels. Offer your kitty a comfy window seat with a good view.

Veterinary Care

Many of our feline patients don’t come in as often as they should. If it’s been a while since Fluffy saw her doctor, let this be a reminder to make her an appointment.


This probably isn’t going to be much of a shock. Cats certainly do take their beauty rest needs seriously. Fluffy may spend as much as 20 hours a day snoozing! Buy or make your sleepy furball a new bed.

Kitty Castle

Fluffy has many adorable quirks, but her obsession with cardboard boxes is definitely one of the cutest. Want to really get that motor going? Make your furry overlord her own box castle. This is a great project for kids. Just make sure it’s sturdy.

Lap Space

There are many things to love about kitties. However, one of the best things about them is the fact that they’re the perfect size to fit into our laps. Enjoy some snuggle time with your feline friend! Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your Raleigh, NC animal clinic, we’re here to help!

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