Season’s Greetings! Our canine pals are really at their cutest at this time of year. Of course, Fido will also be at his most mischievous over the next few weeks. You’ll need to take some steps to keep your furry friend safe. A Raleigh, NC veterinarian lists some common hazards for dogs below.


We probably don’t have to tell you that dogs will eat, well, pretty much anything. Many of our favorites are toxic to Fido! The list of unsafe foods includes garlic, onions, scallions, and chives; grapes, currants, and raisins; chocolate; caffeine; pitted fruit; alcohol; nuts; and mushrooms. Meat on the bone is also unsafe. Cooked bones can break into razor-sharp shards that can choke or wound dogs. You’ll also need to be cautious with raw meat, dough, or yeast.


Keep Fido in mind as you are hanging decorations. Ribbons, lights, tinsel, and garlands all pose choking and strangling risks. Small or sharp ornaments are also unsafe. You’ll need to be careful with anything that runs on batteries or power cords. Put that singing snowman out of paw’s reach.

Flames/Heating Elements

A crackling fire may be the perfect touch to that holiday scene, but it’s definitely not safe for Fido. Be sure to use a thick grate in your fireplace! Candles and potpourri burners are dangerous as well. Keep these in high spots your pup can’t reach.


Many of the plants people traditionally put out around the holidays are toxic to pets? Poinsettias, holly, ivy, mistletoe, and yew are all unsafe for your canine pal. The tree itself can also be a hazard. The needles are very sharp, and can cause intestinal impactions or other serious internal injuries if swallowed. The water may also be an issue. Many holiday trees are treated with things like fire retardant, which can leach into the water.


Dogs are very intuitive and emotional, and they can actually get stressed out quite easily. Anything that changes your furry friend’s routine or environment is a potential source of stress. This includes things like that giant inflatable snowman in the yard; loud noises, such as fireworks; travel; visitors; and even schedule disruptions. Pay some extra attention to your canine buddy, and keep that cute tail wagging!

Happy Holidays from everyone here at Tuscan Ridge Animal Hospital, your Raleigh, NC local veterinary clinic. We’re here to help!

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