What are the most commonly used medications for dogs?

The most commonly used medications for dogs are parasite preventions that are typically given once a month. There are so many different options for medications when your dog is sick, and it depends on the condition that we're treating.

Dr. Katharine White

What medications are commonly used for skin infections in dogs?

Commonly used medications for skin infections include antibiotics, antifungals, and anti-itch medicines for allergies.

What options are there for pain medication?

We have many different options for pain medication for dogs with arthritis or injuries.

Are there medications to help with stress and anxiety in dogs?

Yes, there are medications to help prevent stress and anxiety in your dog that can be used on a daily basis or as needed for certain situations, like taking them to the groomer or being boarded.

Why is it important to discuss concerns with a veterinarian?

It's important to discuss your concerns with your veterinarian and give a thorough history so they can determine the best medications for your dog.

What are some common side effects of dog medications?

Common side effects I typically see are upset stomach issues, which can often be minimized by giving the medication with food. Some medications can cause drowsiness, while others can cause increased thirst and urination.

Are there any long-term considerations for dog medications?

Some long-term medications require periodic blood work monitoring to ensure there's no internal side effects on the kidney or liver.

What should you do if you notice side effects after starting a new medication?

If you notice any side effects after your dog starts a new medication, it's always best to contact your veterinarian, and we'll discuss it with you further.

What is required for you to prescribe medication to a dog?

There needs to be a valid client-patient relationship for me to prescribe medication to your dog. Typically, that means I need to see your pet within the previous year to prescribe medications if your dog is healthy, such as parasite preventions. However, if your dog is sick, you definitely want to schedule an appointment for an exam to determine the best medication needed in that situation.

What if a dog refuses to take medication?

Contact your veterinarian in that situation. It could be an easy fix, like mixing it with a favorite treat. If that isn't working, there are other options like getting the medication compounded or giving an injectable form instead, or using topical medications. There are lots of different options you can discuss with your veterinarian.

Is it safe to give human medication to pets?

You always want to contact your veterinarian before you give a human medication to your pet. There are certain medications that can be used in both humans and pets, and your veterinarian will be able to tell you the proper dosage. You never want to give a medication without asking your veterinarian because certain ones can actually be toxic or harmful to your pet.

If you have questions, we would love to answer them for you. Please give us a call at the office at (919) 556-1944, or you can email us at [email protected]. Our staff would love to talk with you!

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