What are some common illnesses in cats?
There are a number of illnesses that I see commonly in practice. In no specific order, they include dental disease, infectious diseases such as feline leukemia and FIV, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, parasites, gastrointestinal diseases like pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, and diabetes.
How do cats typically show signs of illness?
Cats are very adept at hiding illness, a trait they've had since the beginning of time. If your cat is sick, you may not notice obvious signs like you would in a dog. In cats, it's far more subtle. They become less visible. One of the biggest signs that your cat is ill is that they will begin hiding in the home. They may have changes in appetite—either stopping eating or eating less over time. You might also notice changes in water consumption and urinary habits, particularly litter box habits. If you notice the litter box is getting dirty faster between cleanings, or the urine balls are very large, those are good signs something might be wrong with your cat.
Can you tell us more about heart disease in cats?
Heart disease can be a silent killer in cats. Many cats with underlying heart disease walk around their homes looking clinically normal, and owners may not report any problems. Sometimes the only sign is sudden death, where the cat literally just keels over. If we can pick up on signs of heart disease before sudden death, owners often report signs such as lack of energy, lethargy, hiding, coughing, or breathing problems. This could include a very high respiratory rate at rest, not associated with activity or exercise.
What about dental disease? What signs should cat owners look for?
Signs of dental disease in cats generally include a change in disposition towards food. Your cat may approach the bowl as if hungry but then just sit and stare or eat very slowly and in smaller amounts. Another sign is if your cat tilts their head to one side when eating, chewing preferentially on one side of the mouth. Drooling is also common, especially if they're experiencing mouth pain. Lastly, excessive pawing at the mouth or face, not the typical grooming, but actually rubbing at the mouth, is a sign of dental disease.
What are the clinical signs of parasitic infections in cats?
The signs of parasitic infections in cats include vomiting, sometimes with worms in the vomit, diarrhea with visible parasites in the stool, and changes in weight, such as weight loss despite a good appetite. There may also be changes in their approach to food, eating less or more.
How are parasitic infections treated?
They're generally treated with medication prescribed by your veterinarian to kill that specific type of parasite. There is no one therapeutic deworming medication that kills all types of parasites in cats or dogs. It’s crucial to get your veterinarian involved for parasite screening and appropriate medication.
Can you tell us about feline asthma?
Feline asthma is interesting and generally has seasonality, with upticks in spring or fall. The most common sign owners report is coughing, which is rare in cats. Coughing is a sign of either asthma or could be associated with heart disease or primary lung disease. Coughing is always abnormal in cats and is the most common sign reported in cases of feline asthma.
If you have questions, we would love to answer them for you. Please give us a call at the office at (919) 556-1944, or you can email us at [email protected]. Our staff would love to talk with you!
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