You may have noticed that here at Tuscan Ridge Animal Hospital, your Youngsville, NC pet clinic, we enjoy commemorating all of the pet-related holidays on the calendar. March boasts one of the cutest and silliest, with If Pets Had Thumbs Day. As you may be aware, many scientists credit humankind’s opposable thumbs with the evolutionary leap that propelled us from the cave man era to civilization. If Fido and Fluffy suddenly developed thumbs, what do you suppose would happen? We obviously can’t ask them, but we have a pretty solid idea. (Spoiler: mischief.)

This article includes some wild guesses from a local Youngsville, NC veterinarian.

Adventures, Explorations, And Travels

If your pet suddenly sprouted thumbs, they’d likely figure out how to unlock doors very quickly. (Fluffy may need some extra time to sort out how to reach the handle.)

If pets could roam freely, the possibilities are practically limitless. Your canine companion may let all of his canine friends out of their homes before heading to a park, pet store, or beach. Fluffy may stay closer to home, but she’d probably let herself into the neighbors’ place. 

Order Every Pet Product They Can Find

Another reason to be grateful your cat doesn’t have thumbs? If your pet friend could order stuff by themselves, you could be in a predicament. Your bank account could also take a hit.

But, what do you think your pet would purchase?

We have a feeling that cats would order a variety of kitty furniture, smoked salmon, live betta fish, catnip, spider plants, kitty shelves, cat enclosures, beds, boxes, scratching posts, beds, cat food, and cat snacks. She’d also likely order some random items just for the boxes they came in.

Fido would likely be most interested in food and toys. You might find your furry family member ordering food from, well, everywhere. He would most likely sign up for every food club, toy, and puppy subscription box he could find. If you have an outgoing pooch, he might even try to order himself a puppy!

Take Lots Of Selfies 

Fido and Fluffy are both quite photogenic. Your furry friends may be filling up your phone’s gallery with lovely selfies.

Get Rid Of The Vacuum

While dogs and cats might not agree on everything, they are usually on the same page when it comes to vacuum cleaners. You’d most likely find that purrticular appliance on the side of the road.

Lock Each Other Out

Cats and dogs sometimes do get along pretty well. They can also forge strong bonds with each other. However, they can also become envious of one another. It wouldn’t be surprising if Fido and Fluffy decided to lock each other out.

Text You

Many comedy websites have produced amusing series of fictitious texts between dogs, cats, and their humans. This could be an example of life mimicking art. It’d be interesting to hear (or read) what your pet had to say!

Love Letters To Their Favorite Human (You) 

Sometimes we can’t help but make fun of our animal pals and their goofy quirks and silly actions. However, at the end of the day, pets are highly emotional and form strong attachments to their humans. You might find a beautiful note from your beloved pet!

Go For A Joyride (Or Ten)

Man’s Best Friend has a strong sense of adventure, so it’s understandable that he’d want to explore.  A cross-country road trip to every dog park in the country may seem lavish, but it is not impossible.

Cats, of course, aren’t normally very fond of automobile rides. Fluffy may simply decide to throw your keys into the nearest lake, river, or pond. She may also become more sophisticated with the paw painting she leaves on windshields, and begin using actual paint for her creations.

Cancel Appointments At Their Youngsville, NC Animal Clinic

We adore all of our furry patients. We recognize that animal clinics can be frightening for pets: the odd setting, unfamiliar odors, and scents of other worried pets, some of whom may be ill, can understandably put pets on edge. We do everything we can to make appointments easier for Fido and Fluffy. However, we have yet to successfully explain to our patients the importance of proper veterinarian care for their health and well-being.

In other words, we may notice that our appointment calendars at your Youngsville, NC animal hospital growing increasingly empty. If you take your four-legged friend to a groomer, the salon may also experience a surge in cancellations.

 Get Into Absolutely Everything

While Fido and Fluffy do not always agree, we believe they would not only agree, but might potentially also collaborate on this matter.

Of course, our canine and feline buddies may have various motivations for this. Fido would naturally be on the prowl for food, and would eagerly sample everything in the house. Fluffy, on the other hand, would most likely empty your drawers, hide anything valuable, and then take the labels off your canned goods, just to be a jerk.

Hack Into Your Computer

This one would require pets to not simply grow thumbs, but also gain some computer abilities. However, this may not be as far-fetched as it appears. After all, Fluffy has spent years sleeping on warm laptops and keyboards. This could be an attempt to absorb knowledge by osmosis.

What would happen if your pet hacked into your personal computer? Fido would definitely download images of cute dogs, fire hydrants, and parks. Fluffy would probably destroy your data, install an aquarium screensaver, and then change your usernames and passwords.

Video Game Marathon

It’s hardly a stretch to think that dogs and cats may be interested in trying electronic games. After all, Fido and Fluffy are hunters by nature. Some of the games we think dogs could enjoy are Grand Theft Auto, Duck Hunt, and Frogger. Fluffy may enjoy Pacman, Tetris, or Space Invaders. 

Of course, your feline pal could be perfectly pleased with her present games. (Note: You can actually download games for your furry friend to play on a phone or tablet. Some kitties really enjoy ‘catching’ digital mice, fish, or bubbles, even without thumbs.)

Start A Social Media War

Social networking can be both a blessing and a curse. It’s an excellent method to stay in touch with friends and family who you don’t see very often. However, it can also be toxic. Fido would definitely keep himself entertained by viewing charming films or clips of squirrels. Fluffy may well become an adorable internet troll.

Get To Scratching All Those Itches

It’s always cute to see pets close their eyes in relief when you help them get that irritating itch they can’t reach. Your furry bestie may instantly begin trying with various objects that may allow them to scratch more effectively. Any back scratchers you have would be quickly commandeered, but we wouldn’t be surprised if they also used forks, spatulas, or other random pointy objects.

Ransack Everything

Pets are extremely curious. Cats, in particular, enjoy investigating various nooks, crannies, and boxes. It wouldn’t be out of character for Fluffy to raid every drawer and closet in the house before taking a nap in the midst of the devastation.

Do you have any questions about your pet’s health or care? Is it time to schedule an appointment for your dog or cat? Contact us at your Youngsville, NC pet hospital today!

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